Cancer Benefits
Cancer is increasingly among us, whether in our home, among our relatives, among our friends or among our colleagues. Imagine a person who is in the prime of life, in his forties or younger then that, receiving the news that he/she will have less than eighteen months of life. What does one do in a scenario such as this?
The inspiration for Stay Pink and Blue Campaigns came from my father, Benedicto, who passed from prostate cancer and from my grandmother, Lala who passed from breast cancer but instilled the ideals of charity, volunteerism and service. My personal inspiration, however, comes from me being a three-time cancer survivor.
That is the reason that I just decide help people on the community that I live, who do not have access to what many of us take for granted, such as: the ability to have the appropriate treatment, to buy the right medicines, to make the necessary diet and to consult with the best doctors.
After talking with Randal Mrazik, a good friend of mine that runs couple of bars here in Philadelphia, PA, USA, I decided to share this project with one of these bars and host my first events there.
As a Photographer, the purpose of this project can not be different, I wanted to have some known men and women from all over the place, and people who are, or have been under treatment for cancer sit for a photo session. In this photo session everyone wearing my Stay Pink and Stay Blue T Shirts and have an exhibition at local bars or galleries having all portraits printed and displayed on the walls.
This campaign has a face, not mine, not yours but so many faces that together had a strong and powerful face, the face of hope for all people who are fighting this disease.
These two first Campaigns here in USA I dedicate to a special man who teach me that is necessary help people and if you do good you receive good, my father B.J.A. and to Randal's mother that for sure was an amazing woman for raise so special person like him.
Thank You!
Emerson Aniceto
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